Gymboree International


We respect that each child learns differently and invite them to participate in our activities rather than forcing them to do so. We believe that when we allow children to make their own decision, they will develop a love of learning and a sense of self-confidence and respect.

1000 Hours per Year

Attending an English Only Preschool 5 hours a day for 5 days a week will expose your child to 1000 hours of ENGLISH STUDY per year.

Respect for Individuality

We follow the lead of the child and do not force them to participate in all the activities. Some children are observers and others are doers but giving them the freedom to learn in their own style will give them the confidence they need to become a good learner.

Original Equipment

All of our play equipment was designed by a famous US playground developer, Jay Beckwith who has been developing playground equipment in the US for more than 30 years.


Our play-based learning programs are all age and level appropriate and encourage children to use their imagination and be creative. At Gymboree, in addition to improving their English skills, children can build a solid musical foundation, gain problem solving skills and learn about the world around them. During all of our programs, children are encouraged to challenge themselves and naturally engage in a wide variety of activities which helps them gain a sense of accomplishment.

  • PLAY and LEARN

    Age-appropriate, pretend play based program that gets children moving

  • ART

    Creative program that builds children’s imagination and expression skills through paint, clay and other projects


    Rhythmic based program that covers world music and a variety of musical genres such as Reggae, Jazz and the Beatles


    Children learn about other cultures through world music and art.

  • PLAY LAB (S.T.E.M.)

    Children practice solving problems and exploring and doing science experiments in a fun environment


    Children learn everyday English phrases and build their English communication skills in a fun environment

7 Key Social Skills Nurtured at Gymboree

To prepare children with the cultural awareness and key communication, social and cognitive skills they need to succeed in our global society.
